• To carry on the business of prospectors, producers, refiners, storers, suppliers, marketers, importers, exporters and distributors of petroleum and petroleum products and fuel oils;

  • To prospect [for oil], explore, develop, maintain and carry on all or any lands, wells, mines or mining rights, minerals, ores, works or other properties from time to time in the possession of the company, in any manner deemed desirable, to erect all necessary or convenient refineries, mills, machinery, laboratories, workshops dwelling-houses for workmen, and others, and other buildings, works and appliances, and to aid in or subscribe towards or subsidize any such object;

  • To prospect, appraise, explore, develop and work oil acreages to prospect for, win, and develop crude oil and gas deposits and reservoirs, sell, refine or otherwise dispose of the discoveries from the acreages owned or acquired by the company, and to drill and sink shafts and wells for the extraction of crude oil and gas and other minerals including ore, diamonds, precious stones, coal and other substances.